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Ungelesen 09.09.09, 16:19   #1
Benutzerbild von ordinary_archive
Mitglied seit: Apr 2009
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Werbung rausschneiden - schneidet Frame nicht genau ???

Hallo Leute!

da es ja diverse Filme nicht online gibt, sie aber im TV kommen muss ich die ab und zu mal online aufnehmen und dann die werbung rausschneiden!

jedoch hab ich das problem egal ob mit virtual dub oder easy video splitter dass ich manuell zwar an einer stelle schneide, aber wenn er es speichert dann immer noch ein paar frames mitnimmt.
Das macht sich natürlich ganz besch**en wenn man nen fließenden übergang hinkriegen will.

woran liegt das? wie kann man das professionell machen? ich mein es kann doch nicht sein dass man keinen scharfen cut hinkriegt

Pls Help!!!

LG ordinary

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Ungelesen 09.09.09, 17:29   #2 Top
Benutzerbild von daddeldude_archive
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Werbung rausschneiden - schneidet Frame nicht genau ???

TV im MPEG-Format:
ULead Video Studio (v8 und neuere) beherrscht Smart Rendering, also framegenaues Schneiden.
Die teuerste Lösung für "native MPeg editing" : Premiere Pro in Verbindung mit dem Mainconcept MPeg2 plug-in

TV im DIVX/XVID-Format:
VirtualDub ab Version 1.8 und AvidDemux (und neuere) sollen das auch für DIVX und XVID können.
Video splitting without having to split from the keyframe?

Menü Video => Smart Rendering aktivieren
Menü Video => Direct Stream Copy
Menü Audio => Direct Stream Copy

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Ungelesen 09.09.09, 21:51   #3 Top
Benutzerbild von ordinary_archive
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Werbung rausschneiden - schneidet Frame nicht genau ???

aber wenn du bei virtualdub direct stream copy aktivierst gibts die fkt smart rendering doch nimmer : ( bzw. wenn man zuerst smart rendering aktiviert wirds dann grau hinterlegt wenn man direct stream wählt...

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Ungelesen 10.09.09, 19:32   #4 Top
Benutzerbild von ordinary_archive
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Werbung rausschneiden - schneidet Frame nicht genau ???

das smart rendering klappt nich mit direct stream : ( ist das denn die einzigste möglichkeit framegenau zu schneiden?

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Ungelesen 10.09.09, 20:40   #5 Top
Benutzerbild von daddeldude_archive
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Werbung rausschneiden - schneidet Frame nicht genau ???

VirtualDub.chm (v1.9.5), aus der Hilfe-Datei kopiert:
VirtualDub help - Processing: Smart rendering

What smart rendering does

Smart rendering attempts to identify which portions of a video stream must be re-encoded and which can be copied verbatim from the source file. This can save a lot of time, as typically only the regions around an edit must be re-encoded. It also preserves the quality of most of the non-edited video.

As an example, take this edit:


The red frames indicate frames which are meant to be kept, but cannot be preserved in their original form because their dependencies have been removed. Without the prior frames, it is not possible to decode those dangling frames before the next key frame. Ordinarily when direct stream copy mode is used, VirtualDub would add the previous two frames back into the output file to satisfy video compression restrictions.

Smart rendering re-encodes the affected frames instead. The result is that, in exchange for a little degredation in those three frames, the edit occurs in the exact desired location and the rest of the frames are left intact.

Requirements for smart rendering
To use smart rendering, the following are required:

The video must be compressed.
A video codec must be installed which can produce the same format as the source. Note that some video codecs can decode more formats than they can encode, which means you may be able to open a video file using a codec, and encode with that codec, but not encode to the same format as the source.
Inverse telecine must be disabled.
In addition, the video codec must be configured to match the source. There are often parameters in the video codec's configuration dialog that VirtualDub cannot programmatically access, and which may affect the encoding in incompatible ways. When in doubt, try to match the source; this includes parameters such as B-frame encoding, packed bitstream, and color space. For instance, with Huffyuv, the prediction mode must match.

If the video codec in use has an option for multi-pass rendering, it must be disabled for smart rendering.

Filtering video while smart rendering
In order to use video filters while smart rendering is active, all video filters must be appropriately scoped using opacity curves. Any frames for which any filters have an opacity above zero will be forced to re-render.

Any video filter instance which does not have an opacity curve attached will force all frames to render, since it must process all frames. Since filters which change the frame size cannot have opacity curves attached, any size-changing in the filter list will defeat smart rendering.

Caveats of smart rendering
Not all video codecs will work with smart rendering, even if they normally work for regular encoding. If you can encode two videos with the same video codec, join them together, and play back the result, then smart rendering is more likely to work. This is usually not a problem with video compression algorithms that do not use delta frames; Motion JPEG, for instance, should work without problems.

Quality at the join point may be an issue. The video codec is not aware that VirtualDub is using it to smart-render transitions, so it may not be able to match quality very well with the frames that are copied. This is especially an issue with short runs, since the codec may require a few frames to "ramp up" in bitrate. If this occurs, consider increasing bitrate when using smart rendering.

Technical details
When smart rendering is active, VirtualDub tries to copy all the frames verbatim; whenever it detects a violation in frame dependencies, it drops to recompressing frames, and continues to do so until the next key frame, at which direct copying resumes. The recompression of the necessary segments is done by "hot-starting" the video codec for each segment; from the video codec's standpoint, each range to be recompressed is a separate video. The copied and re-encoded sections are then seamlessly joined during the output process.
Yep, stimmt, Direct Stream Copy darf man nicht wählen!
Ordinarily when direct stream copy mode is used, VirtualDub would add the previous two frames back into the output file to satisfy video compression restrictions.

Smart rendering re-encodes the affected frames instead
Video->Smart Rendering aktivieren.
Video->Full Compression Mode aktivieren.
Video->Compression den Codec wählen, mit dem dein Film komprimiert wurde.
Single Pass Modus des Codecs auswählen.
Entsprechend hohe Bitrate (bei XVID gehen bis zu 4000 kbit/s) wählen, damit kein Flackern an den Schnittstellen auftaucht.

Dann schneiden und File->Save as AVI wählen

(Bitte nicht zwei Beiträge untereinander schreiben. Button "editieren" wählen. Pushen verstößt allgemein gegen Forenregeln)

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Ungelesen 13.09.09, 04:55   #6 Top
Benutzerbild von ordinary_archive
Mitglied seit: Apr 2009
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Werbung rausschneiden - schneidet Frame nicht genau ???

Ok danke für die Hilfe!!!

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Ungelesen 13.09.09, 10:09   #7 Top
Benutzerbild von laut_archive
Mitglied seit: Jul 2009
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Werbung rausschneiden - schneidet Frame nicht genau ???

noch einfacher geht es mit "VideoReDo TVSuite"


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